A picture is worth a thousand words

Tell your story with words pictures!

Whether you are working in sales, marketing, design, project management or consultancy, once in a while you have to put together a presentation about the content you’d like to share with your audience.

As pictures say more than words, you google the internet to find pictures which match the content of your presentation. But right there, copying and pasting these pictures, is where you could face a problem, surely if you share your presentation publicly outside your company using SlideShare or other mediums.

Main dilemma: Are you sure you’re allowed to share the graphs and pictures in your presentation? Did you credit the owner of the pictures? Can you just simply use the picture?

The good thing is, there is hope for those wanting to present their content using pictures or other media. There are multiple places surfing the world wide web, which let you use pictures, texts, sounds and even video’s: The owners of these so called CC0 works, waived all of their copyrights and related rights. Their work is actually free to use, for private but also commercial use, any credits or attributes to the owner is unnecessary.

Pexels: visual content for your presentation

I found Pexels to be a great site to find visual content. They offer a great range of photos and even (short) videos, which 99% of the time have no copyrights or attributes. You can simply use the content.  

Pixabay: Even more, go vectors!

An other site you can find content similar to Pexels is Pixbay. Pixbay offers also (although limited) a range of vectors which you can use.  

There plenty of other sites, even on Google’s advanced search or Flickr you can incorporate CC0 and it will filter the content you can use under CC0.

The quality of the pictures are astonishing. Some of them (well let’s say a lot of them) do match paid stock photography. Downside paid stock photography might just have more hits using a specific search criteria. But that’s only a matter of time as material on CC0 sites is growing rapidly. 

Enjoy the making of your next presentation!

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